No code is flawless right away, but your product must be before release. It has to look pretty, be bug-free, work as intended, and be ready to impress your audience. To achieve that, you need an efficient quality assurance process. QA as a service (QAaaS) is a new way to get the exact QA services you need, just when you need them.

How does QAaaS work, and what does it have to offer to your business? How do you best integrate it with your current processes, and what challenges should you expect?

In under ten minutes, we'll answer all of these questions, so you can decide whether QAaaS is the right tool for your case.

What is Quality Assurance as a Service?

QA as a service is an approach to providing selected QA services as a custom package to match specific testing needs, scales, and deadlines. When choosing QAaaS, a business receives managed access to their quality partner's expertise and talent pool to address specific QA gaps. This saves time and costs compared to hiring and onboarding a QA team.

The QAaaS model is the market's response to the ever-increasing speed of software delivery and the shift in methodologies.

The figures in this graph from the 2022 State of Testing Report speak for themselves:

The industry is transitioning from Waterfall practices to integrated DevOps and iterative Agile workflows, which leads to higher productivity. In the same survey, 66% of respondents noted that developers now release features more often, and functionality is more complex. This means more work for testers.

Naturally, companies are looking for smarter ways to manage software quality. Let’s see how using QAaaS can help with that.